Thursday, December 29, 2011

Vacation time, Cake, and Journaling

Hello bloggers, today I have done no real painting :P It is still vacation time for me and I brought Liam to the local cafe for some lunch and some of their hand made cake *delicious*
We sat there by the window eating and drinking for nearly 2 hours, watching the trains go by in the station, and chatting. It was lovely ^^
Liam and me at the cafe in Skurup, whip cream still all over his mouth :P
This evening I restarted my Big Dream Journal, from the discover Y.O.U e-course from Traci Bautista.
I felt like I needed to redo it from the beginning as my artwork has taken a completely new approach (havent you noticed ;))and its nearly 2012... the perfect time for starting a journal to map out my artwork plans.
So even if today wasnt filled with finished Blue Bird Girl, and racing to that finish line, it felt good getting all those words back down in a brand new spiral bound notebook - making all my dreams feel that more official.

What are YOUR dreams for 2012? ^^