Thursday, March 31, 2011

i have too many email accounts open.

this morning was once again one of those stressful messes that made me wish i hadnt drunken that cup of coffee.
i feel like i am the bad guy with all these jobs i took on. there seems to be whiffs of scam all over the place and i just think 15 minutes in: I CANT BE BOTHERED. okay thanks. cancel job.
And all this time I wasted on the computer disputing WHY i should be doing what the employer has asked of me i couldve gotten so much further on the silly laughing man at the bottom of my painting.

also my desk was making me feel like a trashy computer geek:

I swear I need all of it! well, maybe not the mcdonalds cup. but shhh.....
Liam was my little helper today helping me mix paints and wash brushes and so on. If only he had the coordination of an adult I could really put him to work. He mostly just ran around with his slipper in his mouth saying my hair looked funny

 Which it did. But he also managed to take this great photo of Mommy on the floor doing the letters for the laughing man! Pretty impressive for a 3 year old :) and to his mom who didnt freak out too much about the camera.........
I want to be done by tonight, have it varnished and handed over to jim tomorrow :O It makes me excited and nervous, and wonder when Ill have time to take a photo of it completed :/ I am more or less very happy with the results. considering i have terrible hand writing, and i had to do it all without stencils, or even a trace in some cases... the big push now is to make it look less like i myself scribbled it on :P
But really. Lets take the stress levels down a knotch.
And remember. No More Coffee Today!
Hope to post the final picture soooooooooooon!

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